About Big Travelr
Welcome we’re glad you made it to see what this site is all about. I love to travel lately my mst desired method is via sail boat, however without a big bank roll or buying a boat and taking the kids out of school is not currently an option. I’ll keep watching those great YouTube sailing channels though for my “one day” inspiration.
I choose the pen name Big Travelr because I think the name can keep following along as my method of travel evolves and grows.
I am currently traveling the lower 48 United States in a Big Truck. My travel agent is my dispatcher at a small specialty trucking company. I have little say on exactly where I am assigned to go. That does not stop me from making suggestions of where I would like to go. So far in the past month I’ve been to California from the mid west and back a couple of times, Florida to the mid west, Texas to Florida. All roads seem to lead me to the mid-west and on from there.
I really does not matter where as long as they keep me moving. Since I am paid to travel by the mile I am motivated to keep moving 500-600 miles per day for as many days as I can while I am out on the road away from home. I stay out over the road for about 4 weeks at a time which should work out to about 320 days per year away from my home base in sunny Florida.
This is not my first time over the road although it’s been 17 years since I’ve traveled full time.
I’ve been at it for just over a month this go around with no set plans for how many months or years I’ll stick with it this time. Last time I was in my 20’s and mad it three years before settling for – into an office job.
I’ll be sharing most of my travels with videos published on the Big Travelr Youtube Channel. I strive to write better so when I can I’ll write blog posts about my adventures on the road, travel safety tips, and other stuff I think of along the way. I encourage suggestions so if there is something you have to say please share it.
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About Big Travelr
Travel Gear Guide – What I use and why
Where I am at now
Places I want to have an intentional layover at
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